Adoption, Alimony, Asset Allocation, Child Support, Collaborative Law, Contempt Actions,Custody, Debt Distribution, Divorce,Divorce Mediation, Family Law Consultation, Guardianships, Judgments, Litigation, Marital Mediation, Modifications, Parenting Plans,Paternity, Pension Division, Post Divorce Actions, Property Division, Same Sex Divorce, Separation, Separation Agreements, Unmarried Partner Disputes, Visitation

Gabrielle Mollo Hartley | Attorney


Divorce or separation is often a time of major changes for all involved. Divorce settlements – whether mediated, negotiated collaboratively, or litigated in court – are not one-size-fits-all; each family has different needs. 

I will help you navigate through your divorce or separation to arrive at a reasonable resolution.  I will offer guidance, support and advice throughout the sometimes confusing and overwhelming divorce process. 

As your attorney or mediator, I will work with you toward achieving your goals of financial security and stability without creating unnecessary collateral damage for you or your children.

You can rely on me for attentive and professional service whichever approach to divorce you choose.

Voice:  413.586.7030  |  Mobile:  917.757.0980  |

Buy Gabrielle's book, Better Apart.